Creating The Best Innovative Kajon / Cajon Drum Experience
Proud To Be Hand Made in the USA
9,406,286 - 9,666,170 - 9,972,291
Find out where we will be and what we have been doing
April 5, 2020
SoCal Drum Show here we come again..... Were excited to return to the SoCal Drum Show in 2020 have reserved the same booth we were in this past year.
Come see us at the QLN Conference Center in Oceanside Ca.
We are very pleased to announce the addition of Mr. David Rollins to the Kingdom Kajon Family . David has joined us as sales and player rep in the Nashville TN area. You can contact David directly at 615-310-1771 or drumrolls@yahoo.com. He can answer questions or schedule a demo of one of our Pro Series Drums complete with built in mic wood block, shakers and tambo.
April 14, 2019
SoCal Drum Show here we come..... Were excited to return to the SoCal Drum Show in 2019 and have reserved the same booth we were in this past year.
Come see us at the QLN Conference Center in Oceanside Ca.

July 30 - Aug 6 2018
We will be joining a group of 70 people from up and down California and head to Davids Tent in Washington DC. We will provide 168 hours of non-stop worship during the California week at the tent. Davids tent has been planted near the DC Capitol for nearly 3 years proving non-stop worship 24 hours a day. We will be taking two of our "Pro Series" Kajon's with us and leaving one to be donated to Davids Tent. The "Fathers Heart" Drum painted by Mary Jordan Crawford will permanently reside at the tent stating July 30th 2018. For more info on Davids Tent go to http://www.davidstentdc.org/
April 22 2018
Kingdom Kajon will be at the SoCal Drum Show at the QLN Conference Center in Oceanside Ca. Were excited to unveil are latest artists who will be joining us to do commissioned art on your drum. We will have live on site painting performing by some of the talented artists were connected with.

February 2018
Kingdom Kajon receives approval for Third US Patent.
January 21 2018
Kingdom Kajon will be at the Demo Dealer Days at the Drum Flip in Vista California,
January 2017
Kingdom Kajon receives approval for second US Patent.
On Tour with Brenden James.
One of our "Artist Series" Kajon's was on tour with drummer Joe Urquart in support of Brenden James during his tour in Northern California. Check out Brenden's music on itunes or go to his website at www.brendanjames.com for more information and tour schedule.
August 2, 2016
Kingdom Kajon awarded it first US Patent for kajon design.
We are proud to be involved in creating a custom "Reign Drop Pro Series" Kajon for our friends at "Army Rising San Diego" . It will travel with them to Washington DC to played at "David’s Tent" from March 22-27. Army Rising hosts several “The Tent” worship events throughout the San Diego area led by Kerah Riel. This Kajon with be completed with a inspired one of a kind paint job by the talented, Mary Crawford. Stay tuned for more images to come.
Kingdom Kajon is being introduced to the people in Haiti. Our friends Lance and Ronda Halseth, from "Housetops 4 Haiti", a ministry that builds and repairs homes for the local people of Haiti are taking three of our custom painted cajons for the locals to enjoy and play. They are planning to arrive there sometime in February 2016 and were looking forward to hearing more about what’s going on down there. We sure appreciate what they do!
Kingdom Kajon was honored to be a part of the Churchill Fund Raiser sponsored by Gary Lee and the guys from In The Midst 777 in Oceanside Ca, by donating a Custom Made Signature Series Kajon for the auction. Pictured here is Daniel Simonek the owner/designer of Kingdom Kajon presenting the winner Marty Stout with his new kajon. Another happy Kingdom Kajon owner!

Christian rock band In the Midst 777 was recently introduced to Kingdom Kajon when they used a "Reign Drop Pro Series SS" Kajon with built in shakers, jingles wood block and cowbell for their acoustic shows. The built in microphone allowed them to plug into the existing sound system to produce a deep rich sound.
Gary Lee founder and leed singer of ITM 777 is a devoted father, prayer warrior, and lover of people. He has a heart for outreach and prison ministry and reaching out for those in need.
We love these guys and are proud to sponser them and what they stand for.
Kingdom Kajon is featured in:
Good News Etc Magazine . May 2015 By Caz Taylor.